Home Modifications

Next, think about any alterations you may need to make to your home in time for your return.

  • Modifications may be needed to allow you to move about, use the bathroom, prepare meals, etc.
    • For unilateral upper or lower limb loss, minimal changes may be needed.
    • If you are a bilateral amputee and/or need the use of a wheelchair on a daily basis, home modifications may be more extensive.
  • It takes time to modify a home, so start thinking about these possibilities while you’re still in the hospital. Ideally the home will be ready for you when you are released from the hospital.
  • Connect with a contractor to discuss modifications. Ramps, lifts (assistance getting up stairs), widening of doors, safety bars in restrooms may be considered.
  • The real goal is to have a suitable permanent solution. Before remodeling or making major changes, consider temporary modifications. Your needs may change when you get fitted for a prosthetic.
  • Another reason to think ahead: the hospital may not release you unless they know you can safely access your home.
  • Transitions between rooms or floor types can be especially tricky to navigate.
  • Throw rugs can be hazardous; consider removing them.


“I never knew what I’d be able to do as an amputee. There really isn’t anything I can’t do.”